Carlina Villalpando is the publisher of The Kerrville Daily Times.

She grew up in Brownwood, TX, and graduated from Howard Payne University, where she studied communication. She began her career as an intern with The Daily Times and served as a reporter, features editor, and managing editor, before leaving Southern Newspapers Inc. to accept the position of managing editor of The Tyler Morning Telegraph.

While in Tyler, Carlina served initially as Managing Editor, before being tapped to start and lead the newspaper’s standalone digital marketing agency. She later served there as interim advertising director, before returning to Kerrville as publisher.  

Outside of interest in journalism, Carlina enjoys helping small businesses and nonprofit organization’s spread their message through effective social media and digital marketing.  

Carlina is excited about supporting literacy and continuing education efforts. When she was in high school she volunteered teaching English as a second language. She is personally motivated to help in this area, having been raised by parents who struggled with literacy. She enjoys helping others overcome challenges and gain confidence by improving literacy and achieve learning goals.